Next Meeting

There is a Cressing Action Group meeting and AGM being held in St. Barnabas on Thursday 21st October.

The AGM starts at 6.30pm and the Group meeting starts at 7.15pm.

You are invited to attend both or either.

Details of Past Meetings:

The next Cressing Action Group Meeting will be on Tuesday 21st January at 7.30pm at Cressing Sports and Social Club. Please come along and find out more about what the Referendum for the Cressing Neighbourhood Plan means.

There will also be tickets available to purchase for an afternoon tea at 2.00pm on the 6th February at St Barnabas. Menu looks amazing!!

Thanks to all who attended and contributed to the cakes either by making or purchasing.

The next open meeting will be at Cressing Sports and Social Club, Jeffrey's Road on the 8th October at 7.30pm

It is important for the future of the village that you attend and get involved. Please come along and support the group.

There will be cakes and banners and car stickers available to buy/donate to help raise some funds

Thanks to all who attended.

There will be a day time meeting on friday 25th October at 9.30am for anyone who wishes to attend particularly for mums and people who find it easier to meet during the day.

It is on 25th October at 09.30am at St Barnabas in Claude Ince Avenue, Tye Green, Cressing

######There will be a QUIZ EVENING at the Cressing Sports and Social Club to raise funds for CAG - look out for details here.######

Previous Meetings:

Thanks again to all who turned up and supported the group, made donations, took letters to send, posters to post and leaflets on Tuesday September 10th at 6.30pm at Cressing sports and social club, Jeffrey's Road.


Thanks to all who turned up for the meeting last night - 21st August. your help and support is much appreciated. In particular the help with leaflet delivery and poster planting.


A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along to the meeting this evening - 7th August

There were some people who offered to start a core group who will be meeting up next week to come up with some ideas and actions that everyone can do.

Also new posters that can be used around the village.