Further Information
Links to other websites that have further information:
The following are a selection of links to websites on various topics which could be of interest to anyone wishing for more information on a particular topic. If you would like to suggest anything that you think may be of interest included, please contact us. More will be added over time.
CAUSE Campaign website: http://www.cause4livingessex.com/
CAUSE Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StopGateway120/?hc_location=ufi
Stop Brook Green website: https://nobrookgreen.co.uk/
CPRE - Campaign to Protect Rural England: https://www.cpre.org.uk
Gladman's Screening Request at : www.braintree.gov.uk and search for
Application number 19/00739/REM
This is the website for yet another speculative town- Kingsdene - of 5,000 on land north of Kelvedon and bordering Silver End - yet more coming out of the greed of landowners to challenge the ineptness of the trio of councils
West of Braintree info: