Mill Lane
Planning Application
Update July 24
This application was refused by BDC.
The site has been included in the new Call for Sites exercise by BDC and may yet be given permission either on appeal or included in the new BDC Local Plan.
Update November 2023
The application below has been withdrawn and another application for 78 bungalows has been submitted on the same site.
The application number is 23/02534Ful Please check out the details on the link below:
The following pages are from the presentation by W Scott Properties at their Public Meeting on Thursday 16th September in support of their planning application in Mill Lane for 80 bungalows.
The offer of these on site facilities were produced in response to the objection lodged by Cressing Parish Council to the planning application as being the minimum requirements for the individual site if BDC decided to overrule the policies in the Cressing Neighbourhood Plan and the developing draft Local Plan and give permission for this site.
They provide no general Community benefits to the wider community.
Around 80 residents attended to ask questions and air their views on how they feel about this further development.
You can see the full Parish Council objection and all other documents on the BDC planning website: