Current Planning Applications 

The following is a list of the ongoing major planning applications in Cressing.

To see the full list of documents available for each go to and search for the planning application number.

If you wish to object to any, then email to quoting the application number and giving your name and address.

There are Planning applications currently pending in April 2022 in Cressing Tye Green for around another 432 houses not including another 35 that may go to Appeal.

*******This Appeal was Granted by the Planning Inspectorate in April 2023*****

Current increase in housing with planning permissions already in place in Cressing is now  726.

Total number of houses in Cressing Parish prior to 2019 was just over 700. Total numer of houses in Cressing Tye Green prior to 2019 was around 480.

Update April 23 - This application has been granted on appeal

This application was REFUSED by BDC Planning Committee,  agreeing with  the recommendation of the Planning Officer on  22nd March at Causeway House.

Rainier Developments - 35 houses to the East of Braintree road application

There are further documents available relating to this site showing changes to the Masterplan and road access details. This gives a further opportunity to make comments on this application if you choose to do so before the 12th February.

Highways are now saying that the access and the extra traffic it will generate is acceptable. 

Education are asking for payment but also stating that their are now primary, seconary or early years spaces available.

NHS has yet to comment.

Documents available to view here: 

October 21

Rainier Developments have followed up on the online consultation with a formal Planning Application to BDC currently for 35 houses on the B1018 on Land east of Braintree Road next to Deans Farmhouse. They have rights or options on the whole parcel of land between the road and the approved 250 application. This is probably a starter number and numbers likely to increase if this application is allowed.

Reference number is 21/03053/OUT. Link to BDC application and documents below. If you wish to make comments either email or use the comment. The application was validated on 11th October 2021and is now open for comments.  

21/02799/FUL | Erection of 2 x 3 bedroom two-storey dwellings with associated access, car parking and amenity space. | Land Rear Of Hawbush House Hawbush Green Cressing Essex ( 

October 21

The above link is to a new Planning Application for houses in Mill Lane next to Hawbush House. This would fill in the gap between the Countryside development and Mill Lane. 

Update October 21 - Highways have renewed their holding objection pending further documentation they requested from Gladman on Traffic flow surveys.

*******application MADE ON 14th January 2020*******

Gladmans have submitted an outline planning application for 350 houses on the Equestrian Centre at Cressing Park Farm and land at Braintree Road, Cressing Tye Green. 

 This application is now going to go through the planning process. If you wish to object they need to be made promptly and fully. 

It is the for the area outlined in Red below. 

19/00005/SCO | Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 - Scoping Opinion Request - Development for residential use, comprising up to 360 dwellings. It is proposed that 40% of this residential development will be affordable housing. Associated infrastructure including vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access points from the B1018 Braintree Road. | Land At Tye Green Cressing Braintree Essex 

*************The following Application was susequently given permission on Appeal in November 2020 against many policies contained in the old Braintree development plan and in the Cressing Neighbourhood Plan. The Appeal inspector wrongly ignored development policies in making this decision.****************

This application was previously REFUSED by the Planning Committee on several grounds on 3rd December 2019.

18/00549/OUT | Outline application with some matters reserved, for residential development of up to 250 dwellings with access considered | Land Between Long Green And Braintree Road Long Green Cressing Essex 

This application is going to the planning committee on 3rd December. The officers' are recommending refusal on Highway and Environmental grounds due to the proximity of the Waste disposal site. 

This Application was passed at the Planning Committee meeting of BDC on 24th September 2019 - we are officially getting 428 houses which means another six years of building work to put up with.

19/00739/REM | Development of up to 225 residential dwellings; associated access (including provision of a new roundabout on Braintree Road); public open space; play space; pedestrian and cycle links; landscaping; and provision of land for expansion of Cressing Primary School | Land Adjacent To Braintree Road Cressing Essex 

This application was passed at the BDC planning meeting last night - 10th September 2109 - bringing the current total of additional houses with planning permission in Cressing to 428.

18/00920/FUL | Demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of 78 residential dwellings with associated open space, landscaping, amenity space, car and cycle parking and other associated works | Appletree Farm Polecat Road Cressing Essex

Map reproduced from Google Maps

This Map shows the current and upcoming application sites

The following applications are for industrial and commercial applications in Cressing

19/01352/FUL | Construction of a Class A1 food store (Aldi) with associated car parking, access roads, servicing and landscaping, including the reconfiguration of the car park for the approved DIY store. | Land Off Millennium Way Cressing Essex

19/01158/DAC | Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 11,15 and 21 of approved application 15/01515/FUL | Lanham Manor Farm Lanham Farm Road Cressing Essex CM77 8DX