Cressing Action Group was formed in response to the overwhelming amount of opportunistic, speculative developments that are coming forward into the planning system. These huge developments along with those that already have permission would more than triple the size of Cressing and Cressing Tye Green and could be imposed on our villages without the services or infrastructure to support it. If you don't want this - you need to get involved and let the developers, planners and councillors know exactly how you feel about it. Check out the 'Things you can do' pages for government, district and local MP and Councillor contact details to let them know how you feel.

The application by Gladmans - now owned by Barratt Developments, for 350 houses on land east of Braintree Road has been taken to appeal on the grounds of non determination by BDC. The original planning application is:


Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for the demolition of all buildings and structures, and for the erection of 350 dwellings (including 40% affordable housing), with public open space (including children's play areas), landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS). Vehicle access to be taken off Braintree Road.

Land Off Braintree Road Tye Green Cressing Essex CM77 8JB

The appeal number that was lodged in June this year is: 

Land Off Braintree Road Tye Green Cressing Essex CM77 8JB

Ref. No: 24/00045/NONDET | Received: Fri 21 Jun 2024 | Status: Appeal Lodged

There is no documentation or dates listed there yet but don't know if this is accurate.

The site in question can be seen on the map below annotated 'Gladmans 350'

August 2024

The results of BDC's call for sites has been published

The following link is to an interactive map giving all the sites in the Braintree District that have been offered for development by landowners:

Update November 2023

The new application for Scott Properties in Mill Lane Cressing Tye Green is now on line at BDC 

This is the proposed route of a new swathe of pylons that National Grid want to erect between Norwich and Tilbury. 

This will have no benefit to the areas it will blight. We should suggest it goes around the coast under the sea.

Blue line shows existing pylons, purple line is area being surveyed for new construction.

You can complete the consultation from the website below. Runs from 21st April to 16th June.

There is also a webinar available to see their proposals:

May 23 - Planning Application and Construction status in Cressing:

There are Planning applications currently pending in Cressing Tye Green for another 475 houses.

Current increase in housing with planning permissions already in place in Cressing is 726 of which one site for 118 is just finished and now occupied and  two major sites currently under construction -  225 houses and 78 houses respectively. 

Another for 250 houses is due to start building this year once reserved matters have been finalised. Plus another 35 just won on appeal

To put this into persective - the Total number of houses in Cressing Parish prior to 2019 was just over 700. The total numer of houses in Cressing Tye Green prior to 2019 was around 480.

This huge increase in housing numbers is happening with No additional facilities, No doctors, No dentist, No additional schooling, No cycleways, No community facilities, No transport improvements.


Update April 23

Given permission on Appeal 

Rainier Developments - 35 houses to the East of Braintree road application

This application was REFUSED by BDC Planning Committee on the recommendation of the Planning Officer on 22nd March at Causeway House.

Update February2022

Rainier Developments - 35 houses to the East of Braintree road application

There are further documents available relating to this site showing changes to the Masterplan and road access details. This gives a further opportunity to make comments on this application if you choose to do so before the 12th February.

Highways are now saying that the access and the extra traffic it will generate is acceptable. 

Education are asking for payment but also stating that their are now primary, seconary or early years spaces available.

NHS has yet to comment.

Documents available to view here: 

****There is now a formal planning application with BDC for this site for 35 houses. See Current Planning Applications page****

Rainier Developments have also undertaken an online consultation for a pending planning application for 42 houses on land on the B1018 between the 250 Begin site and the Gladmans application for 350. The area of land can clearly be seen on the website link below. The number of houses and area involved seems to be a moving target. 

Claims on their website that it is being supported through the local plan process are untrue. It was not and is not an allocation on any plan.

Most houses in the village were mailed a document for an online consultation to aid  Rainier with their 'tick box' needs for a future planning application. Comments made, however negative, can be 'spun' and used in support of an application. Fully publised comments are rarely seen but 'selected' comments that can be shown with a positive spin tend to be used. 

It is best to save comments for the BDC planning site when an application is in. If a comment is made to any developer run consultations,  make sure you keep a copy and also include it as part of your submission to BDC. 

This site is additional to those included on the map below........

Map of part of CRESSING PARISH  showing all buildings sites - either already under construction, with planning permission or awaiting planning decisions either with BDC or on Appeal

Site boundaries are indicative. Map courtesy of Google Earth

This Gladman application for a major housing site in Cressing Parish for 350 is still pending and awaiting further information on transport from the applicant. 

####Check out the News Page for information Also the 'Things you can do' page has all councillor and MP contact details plus suggested topics to raise.####